Adventure Tourism

Solo Female Travel Best Places in Jordan and Tips for 2022

Come alone, leave as family.

Forget the ordinary, it is 2022 and it is time to try and see something new and here are some of our recommendations in Jordan for some of the best destinations we believe are the best solo female travel best places and some cultural tips.

Traveling alone is rooted in self-discovery and self-preservation and especially as a solo female traveler, it is especially rooted in taking the unbeaten path to empowerment and growth. 

Solo Female Travel Best Places in Jordan



Petra, oh Petra. Most famously known as one of the seven wonders of the world, but more lovingly known as the Red Rose City to locals, it is not only a beautiful destination that should be added to your travel list but one of the best places to visit, especially if you’re traveling alone. You’ll never truly walk alone with the locals from the South of Jordan who are ready to generously and graciously accept you as one of their own while showing their homes.

Accommodations are available in every type of way, from wild camping to staying in the bubbles or staying with locals, transportation is always available, either by a local driving guide, renting a car, or taking weekly bus transport from one of the drop-off spots in Amman. As far as being female friendly and great for a solo traveler, many of the local bedouins are used to seeing solo travelers and will most certainly welcome you with great hospitality and recommendations for things you can do and as long as you have some cultural awareness for clothing and basic phrases, you will be sure to be more comfortable. 

Bonus tip:

You can also do part of the Jordan trail and take some of the paths by visiting this site if you truly feel adventurous and want to do some solo adventuring of your own when you get there. The Jordan Trail Association 

Wadi Rum 

Wadi Rum

This takes us to our next destination, Wadi Rum or lovingly known to the locals as the Valley of the Moon. On your solo adventure, we most certainly want to help with your local jargon so you can be one of the locals too. If you’re visiting the South of Jordan in Petra, you cannot miss going to Wadi Rum as well. Located less than 2 hours from Petra, you definitely need to visit this mystical and extraterrestrial location. Upon arriving at Wadi Rum, we would certainly recommend meeting a local guide, such as the local leads we work with who do a 4×4 jeep tour and sightseeing tour. At night, you can also have options to do stargazing with the famous bedouin tea in your hand or sit around a fire in Bait Alshaer, which is a bedouin tent weaved from sheep hair.  Moreover, if you stay at one of the camps, you will have great accommodation options with plenty of privacy, safety and full board with breakfast and dinner included. Staying at camps also allows you to get to know locals more and meet some other solo and group travelers alike. Jordan’s social culture and community aspect don’t allow you to feel isolated and truly alone as people are ready to help and allow you to explore. 

Bonus Tip:

Definitely challenge some of the locals to a language challenge. Due to the visibility and high number of tourists that visit the South of Jordan each year, Bedouins can speak multiple languages and are impressive in cultural awareness. 



Jerash, located in the North of Jordan, this destination is known as the green gem of the North and a great place to do a day trip, especially if you’re staying in Amman as it is only about 2 hours from the capital.

Jerash has many different sites and activities for you to see and do. At Global Tribes, we offer an experience with a local female lead named Umm Mustafa.

In this experience, you will get to learn about the cultural preservation of old cooking practices and techniques at her homestead. You will begin by learning how to make a locally prepared breakfast with some of the items sourced from her homestead, take a tour of her homestead and then explore the Dibbeen forest with her son Mustafa.

Not only is this a great way for you to connect with other women in the country, but to also learn about the cultural preservation and heritage that is vastly different from different parts of the country. For solo female travel, this experience is a dream come true as you get to meet many people who are preserving the local culture. 

Bonus Tip:

Definitely get your picture taken with the green valley from Umm Mustafa’s homestead. You will be sure to get a lot of responses of where was that taken? The greenery and views are unbeatable and also very unique to many people who have not been to Jordan…it’s not all desert as many people presume. 


Umm Omar As Salt, Solo Female Travel Best Places

Speaking of female powerhouses, As-Salt is known as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Jordan and employs a lot of females in the city who work as local tour guides, own shops and have been keeping As-Salt traditions still alive. One of these female powerhouses is our local lead, Umm Omar or better known as the “Queen of Jams.” 24 different kinds to be exact. Her jams, which are locally sourced, prepared and can be bought and tasted at her home, are a love language to the seasonal fruit in Jordan, the travelers that she has met along the way and the many years of labor it took for her to perfect her craft. In this experience, you will be part of that labor of love. You will have the opportunity to tour her homestead, pick fruit to make jam, learn to make jam by hand and then enjoy a locally prepared breakfast and learn to make jameed. You will also have the opportunity to try on some traditional As-Salt clothes. As-Salt as a location is very easily accessible from Amman and not too far to take transportation too. Moreover, the city of As-Salt is easy to walk around and explore, which makes it a very fun and lowkey 

Bonus Tip:

Bring cash, because you will definitely want to buy gifts to take home. 


Amman City

Amman, the capital city of Jordan is both a bridge between the past and present. In between its high-rise buildings and bustling modern city life, you will find pockets of places that showcase past roman ruins, glimpses of an old city in the past and people who are still thriving in keeping the city alive. Amman is very easy to explore and accessible in many places by foot or transportation. You can also book ground tours to take walking in learning more about the city. 

There are also many great accommodation options and many places to see in Amman. So if you’re coming to visit Jordan, you can most certainly stay in it for a few days. 

Solo Female Travel Tips in Jordan 

Now, let’s get to some tips about navigating Jordan as a solo female traveler.

  1. Visiting Jordan as a solo female traveler should be on your stop if you’re a more experienced traveler or intermediate/advanced. The reason we recommend this is because of the limited transportation options and choices you have in the country. While the city itself is very accessible through walking, public transportation, taxis and many car service apps, however, when you go to the South or the North, the transportation options become slim. The reason for this is accessibility to those places. If you feel comfortable enough, there are many trusted and reliable sources of renting cars or even getting a driver to take you and sometimes you can meet other solo travelers along the way who are doing the same. When looking for transportation options, look for well-known names and trusted sources in the country, sometimes you may even get lucky with reviews from Tip n’ Tag. 
  1. Regarding the safety index of Jordan, it is highly rated as a safe country to visit. With its dense population, the city is bustling with many people and different things to see and do. Jordanians are famously known for their hospitality and generosity, which is why you will never feel alone. The main language spoken is Arabic, but we do recommend looking into putting a few important Arabic phrases together on the notes app on your phone just to make sure you get around with no communication barriers.  
  2. Cultural differences: Just be aware of cultural differences and guidelines that could make your stay much more comfortable. People in Jordan are very accustomed and used to travelers coming from many different walks of life and backgrounds, but feeling like a local and fitting in like a local, just leaves you feeling more comfortable. Thankfully, we have come up with some cultural guidelines to make your stay a bit easier. In these cultural guidelines, look for suggestions on clothing, payment and general differences between men and women here. 
  3. Moreover, while we admire many solo female travelers who wish to navigate on their own, we would highly recommend using a trusted company to book tours. While there may be many misconceptions about tour guides or booking through a company, at Global Tribes, we are an online booking platform that focuses on local, joyful and cultural experiences where we pay our local leads above market prices. This means that you can feel comfortable and happy having sustainable travel and still enjoying the quality time and preservation of solo and alone time. 

How do you choose to experience traveling and what are some solo adventures you would like to share? 

Led by Locals, Experienced Globally.

Come alone, leave as a family. 

Sarah Shabbar

Sarah Shabbar is a journalist by profession and writer by passion focusing on culture and travel.
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